Research Database


Risk Category

Policy Relevance


Learning from the Climate Change Debate to Avoid Polarisation on Negative Emissions

How to respond to the potential malicious uses of artificial intelligence?

Future of civilization

Autonomy and Machine Learning as Risk Factors at the Interface of Nuclear Weapons, Computers and People

Book Review: Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy

THE WINDFALL CLAUSE: Distributing the Benefits of AI for the Common Good

Should Artificial Intelligence Governance be Centralised? Six Design Lessons from History

The Cartography of Global Catastrophic Governance

Response to the European Commission’s consultation on AI

It Takes a Village: The Shared Responsibility of ‘Raising’ an Autonomous Weapon

Tackling threats to informed decisionmaking in democratic societies

Global Catastrophic Risks and International Collaboration Opinion poll 2020

BIOSECURITY WORKING PAPER 1 Proposal for a New UK National Institute for Biological Security

Risk management in the UK: What can we learn from COVID-19 and are we prepared for the next disaster?

Quantifying the probability of existential catastrophe: A reply to Beard et al.

Existential Risks to Humanity Should Concern International Policymakers and More Could Be Done in Considering Them at the International Governance Level

Medium-term artificial intelligence and society

Identifying and Assessing the Drivers of Global Catastrophic Risk

On the Wrongness of Human Extinction

Beyond Near- and Long-Term: Towards a Clearer Account of Research Priorities in AI Ethics and Society

Activism by the AI Community: Analysing Recent Achievements and Future Prospects

Overcoming Barriers to Cross-cultural Cooperation in AI Ethics and Governance

Point of View: Bioengineering horizon scan 2020

Artificial intelligence in a crisis needs ethics with urgency

AI Paradigms and AI Safety: Mapping Artefacts and Techniques to Safety Issues

Exploring AI Safety in Degrees: Generality, Capability and Control

Canaries in Technology Mines: Warning Signs of Transformative Progress in AI

The Scientometrics of AI Benchmarks: Unveiling the Underlying Mechanics of AI Research

The Transformative Potential of Artificial Intelligence

Joining forces to prevent the antibiotic resistance doomsday scenario: The rise of international multisectoral partnerships as a new governance model

Doomsday scenarios (or the black swan excuse for unpreparedness)

Creation, humanity, science and sustainability for human survival

Marine wild-capture fisheries after nuclear war

Are Impact Craters and Extinction Episodes Periodic? Implications for Planetary Science and Astrobiology

Ethical issues in advanced artificial intelligence

Nuclear war, public health, the COVID-19 epidemic: Lessons for prevention, preparation, mitigation, and education

Climate change, catastrophes and Dismal Theorem: a critical review

Can anti-natalists oppose human extinction? The harm-benefit asymmetry, person-uploading, and human enhancement

Worlding beyond ‘the’ ‘end’ of ‘the world’: white apocalyptic visions and BIPOC futurisms

Deforestation and world population sustainability: a quantitative analysis

Existential Security: Towards a Security Framework for the Survival of Humanity

About the end of the world, at least as we know it

Accumulating evidence using crowdsourcing and machine learning: A living bibliography about existential risk and global catastrophic risk

Putting the humanity into inhuman systems: How human factors and ergonomics can be used to manage the risks associated with artificial general intelligence

On Searle and the collapse of civilization

Challenges of aligning artificial intelligence with human values

Anarchy, Technology, and the Self-Destruction Hypothesis: Human Survival and the Fermi Paradox

Posthumanism and human extinction: Apocalypse, species, and two posthuman ecologies

Fragmentation and the Future: Investigating Architectures for International AI Governance