Shaping policy.
Averting catastrophe.

Our mission is to ensure countries around the world enact and effectively implement policies that reduce global catastrophic risk.

Global Shield is an international advocacy organization devoted to reducing global catastrophic risk. Global Shield takes a holistic approach to global catastrophic risk, seeking policies that address all forms of global catastrophic risk. Our approach is informed by high-quality policy research and development along with experienced policy advocacy tailored for individual countries.

Our cause
What is global catastrophic risk?
Policy Model


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US Office

The United States government has enormous influence over the reduction of global catastrophic risk.



Multilateral organizations and international governance forums are crucial in addressing global challenges.


Policy Database

The United States government has enormous influence over the reduction of global catastrophic risk.
This policy brief was developed by Global Shield’s policy team, led by cofounder and Director of Policy, Rumtin Sepasspour.

More frequent and heavy rainfall and snowfall increases flood risk for billions

Around 10,000 nuclear weapons are active globally, but an exchange of only a few dozen could cause hundreds of millions of deaths. Nuclear war might not be intentional, as our history is full of near-misses, miscalculations and accidents.

Engineered and natural pandemics — with a lethality and virality far worse than COVID-19 — are becoming increasingly likely. Our shared experience with COVID-19 shows the world we are unprepared.

Advanced artificial intelligence increases the ability of malicious actors to access, develop and use weapons of mass destruction. AI beyond human intelligence could also become uncontrollable.

While we have detected over 90 percent of extinction-level asteroids, the majority of city-destroying objects in our solar system remain unidentified. Humanity should not allow itself to go out like dinosaurs.

Earth is on the verge of five catastrophic tipping points and six planetary boundaries. If crossed, it could lead to abrupt, irreversible, and grave changes to our climate and environmental systems.

Before 1900, the greenhouse effect was unknown. Before the 1930s, the nuclear bomb was not even conceived. Before the 1950s, artificial intelligence was science fiction. Now, in the 2020s, what yet unknown threats might be around the corner?